Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Happy Clam!

Hot off the press! The Happy Clam, was just released by Amazon overnight, and is now available as a paperback and as an eBook. I hope it helps lift spirits in the midst of this pandemic, civil rights unrest, and political melee.  Enjoy the read!
Available now at Belmont Books and on

Thank you to everyone who contributed to its making, especially Susan who has been with me throughout the writing process, Meghan Regan-Loomis for her editorial insights, Carol Aust for permission to reproduce her artwork on the cover, Scot Langdon for his photography skills in properly capturing the image, Eric C. Kintner for letting me share his letter to the editor, General Colin L. Powell for permission to share his first rule of leadership, the folks at the Einstein Archives at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, for permission to share the quote by Albert Einstein,  the folks at PEEPS ® for just being such truly nice people (and who wouldn’t be, surrounded by yellow marshmallowy confections all day?), my niece Jenny for her support and encouragement through this all, and the encouragement that has come from such far-flung corners of the universe over the years: Linda Francis, Nancy Etcoff, Brian McGrory, Keith Elchert and Gayle Heiby Podczerwinski (my old University of Dayton editors at the Flyer News), and my circle of friends: Lisa Jo, Nancy, Betsy, Joanne & Ali, Patty & Bubba, Judy & Tom, Nancy & Al, Dee & Dave, and I’m sure I’m forgetting people.

And now – the soundtrack to accompany the book!

Chapter 1 – Introduction
“Turn to Stone,” by Electric Light Orchestra:

Chapter 4 – Your Happy Place
“Crazy Train,” by Ozzy Osbourne:

“Sweet Caroline,” by Neil Diamond:

Chapter 5 – Happiness Is As Happiness Does
“Que Sera Sera,” by Doris Day:

Chapter 6 – Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise
“Make Me Smile,” by Chicago:

Chapter 7 – Mind Over Matter
“In My Blood,” by Shawn Mendes:

“I Wanna’ Get Better,” by Bleachers:

“You’re Somebody Else,” by Flora Cash:

“Missing Home,” by Flora Cash:

“Hunger,” by Florence + The Machine:

“When the Stars Go Blue,” by Tim McGraw:

Chapter 8 – The Bird Outside the Window
“Ripple,” by the Grateful Dead:

“Box of Rain,” by the Grateful Dead:

“Upside Down,” by Jack Johnson:

“Let It Be,” by the Beatles:

Chapter 9 – Focus On What You Can Do!
“Just the Way You Are,” by Billy Joel:

Chapter 10 – Do You Want To Change?
“Under Pressure,” by Queen featuring David Bowie:

“Changes,” by David Bowie:

“Change,” by Tracy Chapman:

Chapter 12 – Boston
“Five Hundred Miles,” by Peter, Paul, and Mary:

“In the Sun,” by Michael Stipe with Chris Martin and Coldplay:

Chapter 14 – Love Is God
“One,” by U2:

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“Everybody Lost Somebody,” by Bleachers:

“The Ghost in You,” by Psychedelic Furs:

“Pale Grass Blue,” by Enya:

“Across the Lines,” by Tracy Chapman:

“Talkin’ ‘Bout a Revolution,” by Tracy Chapman:

“It’s Time,” by Imagine Dragons:

© 2020 Rosemary A. Schmidt
Rose Schmidt is the author of The Happy Clam (Gainline Press, 2020), and Go Forward, Support! The Rugby of Life (Gainline Press 2004). The views expressed herein are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the views of any other agency or organization. Use of individual quotes with proper citation and attribution, within the limits of fair use, is permitted. If you would like to request permission to use or reprint any of the content on the site, please contact me. Twitter: Rosebud@GainlineRS

Mission Statement: To Educate, Inform, Entertain, Inspire, and Open Minds. (E.I.E.I.O.M.)

Sunday, March 29, 2020

How Did We Get Here?

An old photo looking back at NYC, from a train headed north.
My heart goes out to you, New York.
Every storm runs out of rain.

***Post updated 4 April 2020

***Disclaimer: I am neither a Physician nor an Epidemiologist, but I am a scientist and I can read.

Like many of you, I wake up each morning and ask, “How did we get here?” Things seemed to change overnight, and yet they didn’t. There were plenty of people trying to sound the alarm, but again people have refused to listen to science, and instead trusted their leadership, and outside a few bright spots in this – folks like Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, LTG Todd T. Semonite, and Dr. Anthony Fauci – there has been a failure of leadership at practically every level, and a delay in taking action.

There are a couple of really good articles that detail the timeline:

Abutaleb, Yasmeen, Josh Dawsey, Ellen Nakashima, and Greg Miller. 2020. The U.S. was beset by denial and dysfunction as the coronavirus raged. The Washington Post. 4 April 2020.

Schumaker, Erin. 2020. Timeline: How coronavirus got started. ABC News. 25 March 2020.


All through January and February, there were the continued reports out of China, and the extreme efforts taken there to try to contain the virus. But, as early as 31 January, the first two cases had been confirmed in Rome. And by 1 February, the Diamond Princess cruise ship reported its first confirmed case, which would lead to the multi-week saga of the quarantined passengers on the ship docked in Yokohama, Japan. It had gotten out.

16 February 2020. The US Embassy announced they would bring home the US citizens onboard the ship for treatment and quarantine.

25 February 2020. In a press conference, Dr. Anne Schuchet from the CDC said:

“Current global circumstances suggest it’s likely that this virus will cause a pandemic. It’s not so much a question of if this will happen anymore, but rather more a question of exactly when this will happen, and how many people in this country will become infected, and how many of those will develop severe or more complicated disease.”

Alex Azar, Secretary of Human Health Services stated:  

“Abroad, this is spreading quite rapidly. In the United States, thanks to the President and this team’s aggressive containment efforts, this disease as Dr. Schuchet  said, is contained. As we’ve always said, we expect to see more cases.”

By this time, Italy had recorded 10 deaths and a total of 322 cases, and Iran had experienced a second cluster.

26 February 2020. First case of locally transmitted COVID-19 in California, unrelated to foreign travel (Schumaker, 2020).

28 February 2020. President Donald Trump, speaking at a campaign rally in South Carolina, called the Democrats’ criticism of his coronavirus response their “new hoax.”

True, the wording in his speech is ambiguous, and it’s not clear whether President Trump was saying that the coronavirus itself was a hoax, or the fact that Democrats were talking about it in their speeches and “politicizing” it. Either way, the problem is that words matter. President Trump’s blatant disregard for the potential hazard had a grave trickle-down effect in Government. For a president who values loyalty above all else, everyone knows that disagreement is not an option, if one wants to stay in the game.

President Trump’s early dismissal and false reassurances that the coronavirus was contained and would go away set the wheels in motion allowing continued spread, in the absence of rigorous testing, which was not available, and delayed action across the country at all levels of Government. 

For example, New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell said they never considered canceling Mardi Gras because the message from the Federal Government was that the virus was contained, and there was no warning otherwise (Finch, 2020; Montgomery, Cha, and Webster, 2020). New Orleans has become a new hot spot due to revelers unwittingly spreading the virus there. Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) was on February 25th.

Later that same week, in a similar way, Biogen proceeded with its conference in Boston 26-27 February, leading to a cluster of cases in the Boston area that grew from three cases to nearly 100, and likely continues to spread.

The following series of video shows the progression of President Trump’s messaging, saying that it would go away, “like a miracle,” and that everything was well under control.

6 March 2020. President Trump visited the CDC and said that “anybody that needs a test can have a test,” and Alex Azar promised “up to 4 million test kits available in the United States by the end of next week.” It’s the end of March, and we’re still waiting.

11 March 2020. WHO declared a global pandemic. That night, President Trump made an Address to the Nation, and appeared to finally grasp the severity of the situation.

12 March 2020. US declared a National State of Emergency.

What changed? A lot of people theorize that someone finally got President Trump’s ear, and showed him the predictions scientists were making about fatalities and number of patients requiring advanced care, such as ventilators.

16 March 2020. The Imperial College Report was published (Booth, 2020; Ferguson, et al., 2020). Authored by Neil Ferguson’s group, the report predicts death rates, based on modeling the effects of mitigation, virus transmission, and severity of cases. In some ways it’s not so different from modeling the flow of groundwater through a porous media, such as a sandy aquifer. In this case, the model requires knowledge of the virus properties, and how the population helps or hinders its transmission. By social distancing, we can be more like clay, and less like sand and gravel, and slow the flow.

Here’s a link to the report, and you can read it for yourself.

It is painfully ironic that Neil Ferguson himself recently contracted the virus, and I wish him well as this crisis now hits close to home for him.

I am also grateful to all the healthcare workers and all those on the front lines – grocery store and restaurant workers, pharmacies and delivery persons – for taking care of us, while we stay home.

***The President presented predictions on possible number of fatalities this past week on 31 March 2020, as if it were new news, but the math has been out there literally for months. The numbers out of China showed a fatality rate of about 2 to 4 percent of diagnosed cases. And we’ve been told that we can expect that eventually 40 to 70 percent of the Earth’s population will eventually contract the virus. So, let’s say the US population is 327 million, and to make the math easy, let’s just call it 300 million, and let’s say one third of the population gets infected, i.e., 100 million people. Eighty percent will have mild symptoms or no symptoms at all, and will probably not even be tested. The other 20 percent will have more severe symptoms, and these cases probably account for the bulk of the diagnosed cases in the US right now (test positive). For these 20 million cases, even with a one percent mortality rate, this would result in 200,000 deaths. If two thirds of the population gets it, just double this number. If the virus is more lethal, the numbers could double or even triple. These are just back-of-the-envelope calculations that people were doing even way before the Imperial College report came out.


The numbers continue to climb. The US has over 100,000 confirmed cases, and 2,000 deaths. Massachusetts has over 4,000 cases, and 44 deaths, when it suffered its first death only one week ago. The true number of cases is likely at least twice that, if not tenfold, given the limited testing. For every confirmed case, there are probably at least a half dozen or more cases where people had mild symptoms or no symptoms at all.

Which is why for now we have to act as if any one of us might have it.

A week later (4 April 2020) and the US is approaching 300,000 cases, and over 7,000 deaths.


It must be hard for places in the Midwest and elsewhere that are a week or two behind us. New York City is a week or two ahead of us, and offers a chilling preview of what might be to come.

There is hope.

People who have already had the virus might have immunity, we’re told. Imagine what you could do, if you had immunity. We could go where others dare not tread. In addition to increasing testing to determine who has the virus, it may be equally if not more important to test to determine who has immunity. Ironically, as I was scratching this very thought out, pencil on paper, the CBS News Sunday Morning show aired a segment by Dr. John LaPook this morning, suggesting the very same thing. 

Because, eventually there will be a vaccine, and eventually the virus will run out of new victims, just as every storm runs out of rain.

Song for the day: “Every Storm (Runs Out of Rain),” by Gary Allen.


A big THANK YOU to Governor Charlie Baker and Robert Kraft, for using the Patriots plane to fly over a million N95 masks back from China in an extraordinary humanitarian mission. THANK YOU!!!



Booth, William. 2020. A chilling scientific paper helped upend US and UK coronavirus strategies. The Washington Post. 17 March 2020.

Ferguson, Neil, et al. 2020. Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand. Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team. 16 March 2020.

Finch, Chris. 2020. Video: New Orleans Mayor Cantrell says city saw no reason to cancel Mardi Gras, needs medical supplies. Fox8. 28 March 2020.

LaPook, Jonathan. 2020. Dr. Jon LaPook on the value of antibody tests for past coronavirus infection. CBS News Sunday Morning. 29 March 2020.

Montgomery, David, Ariana Eunjung Cha, and Richard A. Webster. 2020. ‘We were not given a warning’: New Orleans Mayor says federal inaction informed Mardi Gras decision ahead of covid-19 outbreak. The Washington Post. 26 March 2020.

Schumaker, Erin. 2020. Timeline: How coronavirus got started. ABC News. 25 March 2020.

© 2020 Rosemary A. Schmidt
Rose Schmidt is the author of “Go Forward, Support! The Rugby of Life” (Gainline Press 2004). The views expressed herein are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the views of any other agency or organization. Use of individual quotes with proper citation and attribution, within the limits of fair use, is permitted. If you would like to request permission to use or reprint any of the content on the site, please contact me. Twitter: Rosebud@GainlineRS

Mission Statement: To Educate, Inform, Entertain, Inspire, and Open Minds. (E.I.E.I.O.M.)

Sunday, March 15, 2020


So, this is where we are, in a time of canned foods, hand washing, social distancing, self-isolating, and quarantining. The unthinkable has happened, a global pandemic, something we only thought happened in movies, and the whole thing has seemed surreal, like we are in a movie, but we’re not, with all the characters you would expect: doctors and scientists trying to warn people the threat is real, politicians denying the threat until they can’t anymore, and grocery shelves stripped bare. Thus, the canned peaches, also a nod to the book by Anthony Doerr, All The Light We Cannot See, which gave me a full new appreciation for the fruit, and what a comfort it might be in hard times, and so I bought a can.

Disclaimer: I am neither a Physician nor an Epidemiologist, but I am a scientist and I can read. All of the following “might” be the case, based on “what studies suggest.” It’s so early in the understanding of this new novel coronavirus COVID019, that we must all take everything with a grain of salt and avoid being too definitive.

Testing is still extremely limited, and being prioritized for medical professionals (who may have been exposed), those with more severe symptoms, and those at high risk for being exposed (foreign travel, contact with someone known to have COVID-19). Because of the shortage of testing capabilities, they can’t be wasted on those with mild symptoms.

Yet, those with mild or even no symptoms likely pose the greatest threat in spreading the disease, because they may not even know they are infected. Plus people might be contagious for several days before they even show symptoms, and unknowingly spreading the virus, according to an article in The Guardian (Sample, 2020). 

There is a good article describing what happens at the cellular level in USA Today (Rodriguez and Zarracina, 2020). If it stays in the upper respiratory tract, it’s not so bad, but if it gets into the lungs, it can be serious. The virus largely spares children. Outcomes are worse for the elderly and those with underlying symptoms. Everyone is at risk. No one has immunity.

Hand washing is good, but might not be enough (Khamsi, 2020). While the World Health Organization has stated that COVID-19 is not airborne, this only means that it’s less likely to be transmitted via droplets greater than 5 microns in size (i.e., the definition of airborne). Smaller particles, less than 5 microns, are considered aerosols, and these particles likely stay in the air longer and travel farther. So, it could be in the air, but again, masks need to be reserved for those who need them most, in the medical field.

Studies show that the virus can still be detected up to 3 hours later in the air, 4 hours on copper, 24 hours on cardboard, and up to 2 to 3 days on plastic or stainless steel (Marchione, 2020). The good news is that disinfecting wipes appear to be pretty effective in killing off the virus, so that’s good news.

The grim reality is that most of us will probably get COVID-19. Harvard Epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch predicts 40 to 70 percent of the world’s population will contract COVID-19 within the year (Hamblin, 2020). It may become part of the regular cold and flu season. But right now it’s a tidal wave.

The problem is that so many people are getting it now at the same time. We are beyond the point of containment. It’s here, and the best we can do now is learn from other countries, and slow the spread (i.e., “flatten the curve”), so as not to overwhelm the healthcare system (Bitton, 2020; Boston Infectious Disease Specialists, Barlam, et al., 2020).

The human mind has a hard time grasping the concept of things that expand exponentially (McArdle, 2020; Stevens, 2020). Here are a couple of articles that help with visualizing exponential trends. 

It appears to be far more easily transmitted, and more contagious than the average cold or flu, and so more people will get it. We’re told that the vast majority of people (82%) will have mild symptoms, which is a double-edged sword, as people with mild symptoms may not even be aware they’re infected and will continue to spread the virus. Unfortunately, for now, we need to act as if anyone, including ourselves, might be infected. Thus, the social distancing and the canned peaches.

Unfortunately, human nature tends to make leaders deny the gravity of the situation and delay taking bold action, until it is too late. Kudos to Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker for making the right decisions at the right time, and declaring a state of emergency Tuesday, March 10th. More will probably need to be done. We’re a week or two behind Europe, and could be looking at store closings, with only essential businesses remaining open (pharmacies, grocery stores, etc.).

Most of us will get COVID-19 eventually, and most of us will be okay. Some of us will get a little sick, and some of us will get really sick. We're going to be fighting this for a while. Some of us and our loved ones will fall seriously ill, and that’s why we need to act in a way that is best for the greater good, protecting vulnerable populations, and preserving resources for the medical community and those who need it most. Even with our best efforts, some will suffer, some will perish, and I grieve already for those souls everywhere.

We’ll get through this. We’ll have opportunities to be kind and think of our neighbor. “Kindness is infectious too,” said Rebecca Mehra, who went in the store and shopped for an elderly couple she just met in the parking lot. This YouTube video has gone viral. (sorry!)

There will be sunshine again. The economy and the stocks will recover. There will be a pent-up demand for gathering at our favorite restaurants and coffee shops, movies, sports, and concerts when this is over. We are social animals. While you’re hunkering, isolating, or quarantining, phone a friend, go for a walk, or read a good book. If you can’t get to your local bookseller, Amazon is still delivering, and eBooks work too. Here are a few suggestions from my reading list, and I hope to have a new one to add to the list soon!

First, a couple of books we all might be able to relate to right now, involving people living under confined conditions.

All The Light We Cannot See, by Anthony Doerr, a book so beautifully written, one almost weeps with each turn of the page, knowing that it only draws you closer to its end. A story about radios, a mineral museum, and occupied France during WWII. And a can of peaches.

A Gentleman in Moscow, by Amor Towles, a story about a man under house arrest, sentenced to live out the rest of his life in a Moscow hotel.

Next, a couple of books to take us on virtual adventures, even if we can’t leave our homes.

Less, by Andrew Sean Greer, on the surface about a whirlwind world-wide book tour, a bit of a travelogue, and a lot about understanding one’s place in the world, and how misinterpreted it could be. For anyone who has ever felt less than. It really could and should be made into a movie

Beautiful Ruins, by Jess Walter, which would also make a great movie, takes us on a tour through time, past and present, and between Italy and California.

For the kids:

Dragons Love Tacos, by Adam Rubin.

If I Built A Car, by Chris Van Dusen.

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Last few suggestions for isolating: Thermometer, Tylenol, Delsym, and Vitamin C. Hydrate. Eat right, do some simple exercises, and be kind. Have a cup of tea and read.

Tylenol (acetaminophen) might be recommended over Advil (ibuprofen), based on observations so far, but the medical community is still debating this (Khazan, 2020).

We always knew the “Preppers” were going to be right someday.

Don’t some of the depictions of the coronavirus remind you of Shrek’s ears?

Trying to take a break from the non-stop news coverage, we switched over to Parks and Recreation, only to stumble on the episode where Pawnee does a natural disaster drill responding to an avian flu pandemic (Season 5, Episode 13). We can’t escape it; it’s everywhere!

Happy Birthday Mom! Miss you.

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Clarification, the coronavirus seems to largely spare young children, but those in their teens, twenties and thirties can also have serious cases.

For a really good explanation of how the virus behaves once it gets into the body (Yong, 2020):

For an explanation of how this crisis unfolded, through a series of missteps and missed actions (Madrigal and Meyer, 2020):

It was only a few weeks ago when our President was calling the coronavirus a hoax. He has changed his tune now, but we have lost precious time.

A song for spring, when we should be watching butterflies: 
"Pale Grass Blue," by Enya

“One by one they fly away.” 


Barlam, Tamar Foster, et al. 2020. Boston’s infectious disease specialists’ message to the public: Don’t be cavalier about the coronavirus. The Boston Globe. 13 March 2020.

Bitton, Asaf. 2020. Social distancing: This is not a snow day. Ariadne Labs.  12 March 2020, updated 14 March 2020.

Hamblin, James. 2020.You’re likely to get the coronavirus: Most cases are not life-threatening, which is also what makes the virus a historic challenge to contain. The Atlantic. 24 February 2020.

Khamsi, Roxanne. 2020. They say coronavirus isn’t airborne – but it’s definitely borne by air. 14 March 2020.

*Khazan, Olga. 2020. Should you take Advil for COVID-19? The Atlantic. 18 March 2020.

 *Madrigal, Alexis S., and Robinson Meyer. 2020. How the coronavirus became and American catastrophe. The Atlantic. 21 March 2020.

Marchionne, Marilyn. 2020. Novel coronavirus can live on some surfaces for up to three days, new tests show. Time. 11 March 2020.

McArdle, Megan. 2020. When a danger is growing exponentially, everything looks fine until it doesn’t. The Washington Post. 10 March 2020.

Rodriguez, Adrianna, and Javier Zarracina. 2020. What does the coronavirus do to your body? Everything to know about the infection process. USA Today. 14 March 2020.

Sample, Ian. 2020. Coronavirus: Many infections spread by people yet to show symptoms. The Guardian. 12 March 2020.

Stevens, Harry. 2020. Why outbreaks like coronavirus spread exponentially, and how to “flatten the curve.” The Washington Post. 14 March 2020.

*Yong, Ed. 2020. Why the coronavirus has been so successful. The Atlantic. 20 March 2020.

* added in Post Post Script

© 2020 Rosemary A. Schmidt
Rose Schmidt is the author of “Go Forward, Support! The Rugby of Life” (Gainline Press 2004). The views expressed herein are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the views of any other agency or organization. Use of individual quotes with proper citation and attribution, within the limits of fair use, is permitted. If you would like to request permission to use or reprint any of the content on the site, please contact me. Twitter: Rosebud@GainlineRS

Mission Statement: To Educate, Inform, Entertain, Inspire, and Open Minds. (E.I.E.I.O.M.)